3-11 -17
Allowable Camper Definition- For the purposes of this document and rules, campers are defined as a motorized or pull-behind vehicle with living accommodations meeting highway requirements. This does not include portable buildings or other living accommodations without the means for transport. Any camping equipment not meeting these requirements at the effective date of this Rule may be grandfathered at the discretion of the Camper Committee and Hillcrest Hunting Club Board.
1. Housekeeping:
· Each camper has a choice to dispose of their garbage or secure their container to ensure litter will be contained while not on the premises. If any garbage is scattered it is up to the camper to clean it up.
· Each camper needs to keep their camping area in a neat and orderly manner at all times.
· Campers pets; each camper is to be considerate and respectful of other related to pets in the campground area. All campers dogs when at the campground area must be contained, i.e. pen, cage, leash, chain, cable, etc. as not to allow their animals to roam freely while at the campground.
2. Quite time during hunting season:
· All campers shall contain/restrict loud activities on the premises within the campground after 9:00 pm.
3. Parking:
· One personal vehicle at the member’s camping area during the hunting season. All other vehicles to park in remote areas.
· No blocking of the roadway is permitted at any time. Please be respectful of other campers. The road through the campground should always be passable.
· No blocking another members camper area preventing their access is permitted at any time.
4. Power & water usage:
· Always turn water source value off (valve in the ground) when leaving the campgrounds.
· Always minimize leaving lights or any other power source on during the time you are not on the premises.
5. Commitment to a camping area for the member:
· When a member determines to occupy a camper area, he/she is required to pay the predetermined electrical power usage fee in the beginning of the membership period where the deadline of payment will align with the standard hunting club dues. A security deposit of $100.00 is due beginning of your first year of campground committal, (March 15th) to be held in escrow which shall be reimbursed at the fiscal year end if relinquish your commitment to the campground.
· If a camper moves in the period of September, he/she will be required to pay a value equal to (6) months of the annual determined power deposit as set by campground committee.
· The projected campground fees beginning at the new fiscal year shall be paid by March 15th. In the case of existing members who occupy a lot don’t meet the aforementioned date with their payment, their circumstances will be reviewed by the campground committee to arrange for their camper to be removed April 1st· There will be no refunds if the member decides to cancel their membership based upon a (6) month/semi-annual basis (March to August/September to February), except under the following conditions:
*Hardship (to be determined by the campground committee)
*The active member is required to relinquish their membership by the Disciplinary Committee and Board of Directors.
*Any overages which are not determined to a “hardship” circumstance;
those funds shall be accredited to the “Club General Funds”
· When a member makes a commitment to a particular lot number/location, he/she is obligated to that lot number/location through the end of the effective period for that year. If the camper determines they want to relocate to a different lot, the change to be relocated can be committed to an available, vacant lot at the new year after payment is received.
· If an existing member determines he/she will not rejoin their membership for the next effective year, their camper shall be required to be moved by end of February. Should the owner of the camper fail to remove the camper from the property by the end of February, Hillcrest Hunting Club will relocate the camper to an alternate location. If said camper is not removed from the property within 30 days it shall become the property of Hillcrest Hunting Club to dispose of as it sees fit.
6. Effective period for campground lot rental:
The lot rental period shall be based upon an annual basis from March 1 through February 28th and 29th on leap year.
7. Determining lot (electrical power usage) fee/rental:
· At the conclusion of the effective power usage fees period for each individual side (A, B, or C), annual cost for the previous 3 years will be analyzed to calculate an average monthly cost, which will be payable as described above.
This cost will be used as a projection for the next effective year’s period plus 10% to allow for variation in use.
Annual cost over 3 years = $10,000.00
Average members for that year = 25
Average monthly cost based on 25 lots = $10,000.00 / 25 = $400 per lot.
Lot cost average per month equals $33.33 + 10% $3.33 per month = $36.66 x 12
months = $439.92 average estimated lot fee for the next effective year per lot.
· If the annual cost exceeds the estimated projection of cost, the overage will be equally divided to the campers for the effective year. If the annual cost is lower than the estimated projection of cost, the under run will be placed in a Camper Fund to be used for maintenance of the camper area for such items as power, septic system, water, drainage issues, etc.
8. Other appliances on campground by individual campers:
· To be fair to all campers and conscientious about conserving energy, individuals who maintain freezers at the campground consider the power usage consumed while in operation. A small freezer operates on an annual basis at approximately $30.00.
9. Encroachment on others camping area:
· Each member is to be mindful of their neighbors camping area and not intentionally or unintentionally take domain of their specific areas.
· The domain is measured in between the sewer access points of the neighboring domains.
· If the campground committee deems a camper has occupied another camper’s area, that camper will be asked to resolve the matter immediately.
10. Hillcrest Hunting Club is not responsible of any damages of personal property:
· Damages of personal property on the premises which have occurred due to natural causes or un-natural causes, i.e. weather, trees falling, thefts, fire, etc. are the responsibility of the camper. If necessary, the member should consider required insurance if desired to cover loses such as described above.
11. Speed Limit:
· Be considerate of surrounding areas of vehicles, pedestrians, tractors and other equipment when driving through the campground area· Maintain a safe speed with all vehicles, four wheelers, tractors and any other equipment during all times on the premises.
12. Loaded Weapons:
· Loaded weapons are not permitted at any point of any area in the campground,
(exception of handguns)
· Discharge of weapons are not permitted in the campground at any time (with the
exception of safety, such as snakes, etc.)
I have read and understand the campground guidelines and agree to the terms & conditions stated by formal signature below:
13. Agreement and Signatures
Each person securing a camper site shall is required to sign this agreement (one for their records and one for the Club’s records) and abide by these and all rules set forth by Hillcrest Hunting Club. Failure to abide by the rules will result in termination of membership and a notice to the member by the Board that they have 30 days to remove their camper from Club property.
I AGREE AS SIGNED: (I understand by signing this document electronically, this document is as reliable as if I have signed in person.)